To book school excursions, click here.
Everywhere in Australia, we are surrounded by traditional lands. These lands tell a story that predates us by many thousands of years but survives in the dreaming and storytelling of Indigenous people. Understanding traditional practices and knowledge of Country, helps us to connect with both the spiritual and ecological richness of our unique continent.
The Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS) provides learning resources for schools and educational institutions, and can be accessed freely on their website.
For educational materials and curriculum resources to assist teachers and educators please visit the AIATSIS education page.
As a curriculum resource in Humanities and Social Science, Our Country is primarily relevant to the Geography strand of ‘Knowledge and Understanding’. As a curriculum resource in Science, it is primarily relevant to the Biological Sciences strand of ‘Science Understanding’.
School Groups
Timed to coincide with the end of the academic year, the experience offers an unrivalled end-of-year excursion opportunity for primary and secondary classes.
A special $15 per student price makes this an affordable educational offering whilst also being an exciting and fun way to celebrate the end of the school year.

> 1 FREE teacher ticket per 10 student tickets purchased.
> School sessions available (Monday-Friday 10AM, 11AM, 12PM).
> Dedicated teaching activities available.
> Free educational resources available which can be modified by teachers to suit most learning levels.
> Direct group booking link and contact number.
To book tickets, click the button below and fill out your details. In the section that says ‘Event name’, type in Our Country. You will be contacted by a team member once you submit your form.